We can't provide low-end products and services, because we are ISO9001, 1400, 28001 and AAA grade credit enterprise!

Shenzhen Pan Asian Environmental Engineering Development & Design Co.,Ltd is a specialized is engaged in the health care system by a group of engineering of scientific research and technical personnel and engineering technical personnel in shenzhen investment to undertake a professional medical systems engineering company, the organization team with rich experience in technology research and development promotion... 


Address: shenzhen baoan district turn LuHong commercial building, 507

Telephone:4006667296  0755-29961695




  • The people's hospital of shenzhen city xili
  • The people's hospital of shenzhen shekou
  • Shenzhen light district people's hospital
  • Shenzhen baoan people's hospital of rock
  • Shenzhen baoan district people's hospital