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Radiation protection
Seat:Home - Case

Shenzhen city people's hospital of rock

Date:2014-03-26   Hits:1029    return  

The construction content:    2008.10.21       Radiation protection, decoration

Project name: shenzhen baoan district rock rectification hospital physical examination center, radiation protection and related X-ray room decoration engineering


The construction content:    2008.10.21       Radiation protection

Project name: shenzhen baoan district rock hospital X-ray room ray protective engineering


The construction content:    2009.08.10        Radiation protection

Project name: shenzhen baoan district rock hospital paddy field club center X-ray room ray protective engineering


The construction content:    2010.08.20        Radiation protection, decoration

Project name: shenzhen baoan district rock hospital DR, CT room for radiation protection and related decoration engineering

The construction content:    2010.08.20        Radiation protection

Project name: shenzhen baoan district people's hospital of rock DR, CT room corrective and protective engineering


The construction content:    2012.05.25       Radiation protection, decoration

Project name: shenzhen baoan district people's hospital of rock CT room ray protective and decorative engineering


The construction content:    2012.11.15       Radiation protection

Project name: shenzhen baoan district people's hospital of rock a medical X-ray machine room ray protective engineering


The construction content:    2012.11.14       Radiation protection

Project name: shenzhen baoan district people's hospital of rock in rent clubs kang center X-ray room ray protective engineering



The construction content:    2014.01.03         Radiation protection

Project name: shenzhen baoan district people's hospital of rock 64 row CT radiation protection engineering

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