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Office hours notice

Date:2014-03-24   Hits:1998    Return  

 To promote the company's rapid complete customer requirements, to speed up the pace of development, the company of office work and rest time to do the following adjustments: from now on, from Monday to Saturday, go to work time is 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, rest time is 12:00 noon to PM, afternoon working hours 14:00 to 18:00. Every Sunday rest, other statutory holidays according to the time shall prevail, published by the state JiaRiBan temporary paid leave three gobbledygook in advance for any director of the office to apply for, big holiday apply to any director of the office for half a month in advance, whether to approve according to the company business decision. Site personnel work 8 hours a day time, start from 8:00 a.m. in the morning, winter and spring at noon rest for an hour and a half on the afternoon of the same work, summer and autumn noon a rest two hours, 18:00 PM go off work, no weekends and holidays to rest time, but if the company without dispatching construction task job-waiting status, the company will be covered by the corresponding treatment. This notice will be valid until the next release new ends when natural work and rest time.